Saint Benevolence was founded by Gueillant Dorcinvil in 2017 out of a desire to globally share the unique flavor profile and cultural significance of Rum Clairin, a terroir-driven and beloved agricole-style rum from Haiti. A native of Saint Michel de l’Attalaye, Gueillant Dorcinvil is a third-generation sugar cane farmer and clairin producer and holds degrees in Agronomy as well as a doctorate in divinity.
Gueillant has dedicated much of his career to Saint Michel, balancing his time between South Florida and his hometown. In addition to his farming and clairin production, Dr. Dorcinvil has served as a pastor, hospital chaplain, and community leader of infrastructure initiatives around the town of Saint Michel. Since 2002, he has led the charitable delivery of primary care, medical/surgical, educational services and the distribution of over 3 million meals in Saint Michel. Elected mayor in 2016, Gueillant’s impact continues to resonate and expand across Northern Haiti.
Saint Michel de l’Attalaye is well known for its sugar cane and clairin production. Considered by many as the ‘grand-cru’ of Haitian rum production, Saint Michel is a fertile territory north of the central plateau, and home to the multi-generational Dorcinvil distillery. The low-intervention farming methods used to grow heirloom sugar cane varietals contribute to the unique, vibrant, and terroir-driven flavor profile of Haitian sugar cane spirits.
In the spirit of the service, Dr. Dorcinvil has committed to dedicating a portion of proceeds from Saint Benevolence to continued healthy equity efforts by increasing access to cancer screening, prevention and treatment. Learn more here.